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SHOTBYNESHA - Beyond Reason, CA

Introduicng the latest addition to the Beyond Reason team @shotbynesha. Nesha captivated us with her creativity and unique styling which struck a common epiphany amoungst the BR crew

"we must have her!"

Nesha has a way of making everything look effortlessly cool and daymn she pulls it off with a cheeky smile, some roughed up vans & a camera in hand. Here is a little blurb from the Cali babe herself.

Hopefully this will give our awesome followers an opportunity to familiarize themselves with Neshas work and fall in love with her creative vibes just like we have!

"Writing about oneself is always difficult. We never want to sound too conceited, or too “braggy” about what we’re working on. I definitely don’t have anything to brag about, but I will humbly introduce myself. It always seems like people use the same format. Name, age, occupation, favorite quote from some inspirational book to talk about themselves, and all that stuff is cool but says NOTHING about who YOU are. So here we go:

My name is Nesha, and I spread my work mostly around San Diego, Orange County, and Los Angeles, CA. I have a passion for all things vintage, and obscure. I grew up with metal heads for parents. & if living on the sand wasn’t considered “homeless” I’d be all over it. First and foremost, I’m a photographer with an emphasis in music/events as well as fashion. I’ve been photographing music for about 5 years now. I’ve been lucky to have worked with a lot of great artists and visited really interesting cities along the way. You can see more of my photography on my website, SHOTBYNESHA. Lately, my journey has taken a turn, & I find myself styling more shoots & WHOA, hello.. how did I get in front of the camera..? That was NEVER a part of the plan, but it’s cool. I’ll roll with it. When I’m not freelancing, I work in a vintage clothing store called Home. Our style is very rock and roll, so leaving work empty handed is difficult. ANYWAYS, I started this whole styling/modeling thing because of the people of HOME. We needed photos for online/social media and I was there to help. LIttle did I know I was building a portfolio as a model, photographer, and a stylist. So here I am, eager to work/travel & meet new people in this mixed up industry I find myself in.

Styling/Inspo: Photography: Modeling:

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